You’ve seen the ads, most likely, and you’ve read the think pieces and watched the talking heads word-vomit their opinions over those #HeGetsUs ads that ran during the Superbowl. And, you likely have your own thoughts on it all.
I have been trying to write a piece on all of that, and I have changed my mind. I’m not going to write that post. Don't misunderstand me - I still have LOTS of thoughts and opinions about the whole THING.
But these points have been already argued to death by others on social media and pretty much everywhere else on the Interwebs, so I’m going to ponder what might have been.
What if
What if, instead of pontificating about who gets us, and all of that, we acted more like The Good Samaritan? Who is our neighbor, and what are our obligations to others who are not us, but who are equally created in the Image of God, no matter what their political beliefs, or which side of some imaginary line on a map they are from? Instead of washing feet, what if we, I don't know… simply fed the hungry? Took responsibility for the cost of healthcare and healing for someone who is our “enemy?” Protected the widow and orphan? Held the hand of a scared child or woman as she makes the only decision she can about her body, without shaming or scaring her? What if we lived out the Sermon on the Mount, instead of lobbing critiques at how others choose to spend their days?
What if we LOVED like Jesus, instead of spending so much time, energy, and resources DEFENDING him?
I don’t know about you, but I kinda don't want to follow a god who needs me to stand up for them. I mean, doesn't that defeat the purpose? The God I want to pattern my life after isn't one who needs paid ads, or laws, or kingdoms (or republics), or armies, or ANYTHING ELSE to prop up their will. God can take care of that. God is big enough.
My work is to be the hands and feet that brings God’s kingdom to life here, on this planet, in this time, and in this place. My work is to humbly do what I can to be an incarnation of Jesus here and now, and, that is probably going to look a little controversial at times. After all, Jesus didn't come strolling in, with a host of officials, to change the unjust Roman codes and to enforce borders. He came to upend expectations, to bring down the mighty and the elite, and to elevate the powerless and those on the margins.
And, maybe, that’s what my work is, too.
Here’s to upending expectations, to bringing down the powerful, and to remind those on the margins just how precious and deserving they are, no matter what their circumstances. We are, each one of us, the Image of God. My prayer is that we can begin see God in one another, and to honor that image in all of our fellow humans.
Let Thy Kingdom Come, indeed.
Yes! Yes! Yes! 1000% ❤️